Just a game I made as a side project because I was bored. It's coded from scratch in JavaScript, and is still in development, so excuse any bugs.  I will be updating it whenever I feel like it, so it might not be finished for a while. A lot of the art is hand drawn, some is ripped directly from the internet. I'm still working on attribution, but since I'm not making any money off this, I think I'm okay. But just know this isn't 100% original. If you find any bugs, or have any questions or comments, shoot me an email. 


A and D to move left and right. SPACE to attack. C to jump. 


README.rtf 3 kB
Sword&ShieldExecuteable.zip 687 kB

Install instructions

All download and install instructions can be found in the README file. If you want to have the game on your computer, download the .ZIP file, otherwise, you can play it in this browser window.

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